Space Cowgirl is a quirky reverse contrast display typeface.

Space Cowgirl is a quirky reverse contrast display face that is loosely based off of a specimen of Italian type from the 1828 George Bruce & Co. printing type specimen catalog. I originally made this typeface to use in an editorial project about nineteenth century wood block type in contemporary design. I ended up liking the face's goofy quality so much that I ended up making a full character set, extra weights, and stylistic alternates.

Since it is such a weird and wonky typeface I knew from the start that it would have very limited use cases in the real world as a single fat face. So when I went about designing the other weight variants of the typeface I ended up creating two lighter variants that were monolinear. I kept the same forms of the heavier variants, but without the extreme contrast it made these two weights more legible at slightly smaller sizes like subheadings. I also decided to release this typeface as a open source typeface under the SIL Open Font License, so that everyone who wanted to use it could use it without having to justify purchasing such a bizzare font.

I hate it but I can't stop looking at it