Summer Tours is a book design project about travel ephemera from late nineteenth century Canada.

The book Summer Tours aims to highlight the typography and letterforms of travel related documents from late nineteenth century Canada. Over the course of six weeks I was tasked with compiling all of the imagery across several digital archives, editing the images for press, designing the layout of the book itself, and writing the text present in the book. I created this book as my final project for the book design course in the York/Sheridan Program in Design.

The book Summer Tours aims to highlight the typography and letterforms of travel related documents from late nineteenth century Canada. Over the course of six weeks I was tasked with compiling all of the imagery across several digital archives, editing the images for press, designing the layout of the book itself, and writing the text present in the book. I created this book as my final project for the book design course in the York/Sheridan Program in Design.

The Victorians lost the idea of good type to read, but this does not mean they lost the idea of good lettering.